اكسب 1,526 نقطة بعد إتمام عملية الشراء هذه
خدمات إضافية
احصل على مطابقة سعر
+ %5 رصيد في المتجر
- نظام شفرة ووعاء Kinetix قوي التحمل
- التحكم الإلكتروني بـ 5 سرعات
- أزرار مضيئة
- إعدادات سحق الثلج و سموذي مبرمجة مسبقًا
- محرك بقوة 1200 واط
- سعة كبيرة 1.5 لتر
- شاشة LCD مع عداد للعد التنازلي والعد التصاعدي
- حماية من زيادة الحمولة
- قاعدة معدنية مصبوبة ثقيلة للخدمة الشاقة
Breville was established in 1932, in Australia, by mixing the names of their two founders, Bill O'Brien, and Harry Norville, thus Breville was born. The company started off by making radios and mine detectors for the war, but decades later they turned their attention into making small appliances, which made them known for what they are today. The innovation, development, marketing, and distribution of small electrical appliances in the consumer products industry are its primary activities. Breville has grown into a global leader in premium and innovative kitchen appliances, creating high-quality products to consumers. Breville has a common practice of introducing revolutionary and groundbreaking technologies. It is credited with inventing the Smart Grinder Pro, and the Breville Oracle espresso machine.